Monday, July 11, 2016

Pray for Perry Noble

 Prayers and no stones cast for brother Perry Noble and his family. Don't shoot the wounded.

Pray for Perry Noble – and for your pastor – today. Most people never realize the intense stress that at times accompanies pastoral ministry. Pastoral ministry usually lands in the top percentage of studies that show how personal stress and marital-familial stress accompany specific professions. I believe 8 South Carolina Baptist pastors in the SCBC have committed suicide in the last 8 years. 

My mother, a pastor’s daughter, used to say, “No one understands what a pastor and his family go through unless you have been one or been a child of one.” That’s one reason pastors and visible Christian leaders need lots of folks interceding for and encouraging them regularly. Have you prayed for your pastor and his family today? Remember when you see people like brother Perry Noble that he is a clay pot just like you. Every one of us is in need of the grace and mercy of Jesus to live. When we keep our eyes on Christ, and not focused on His servants, it frees us to love, accept, and encourage our brothers and sisters when they fail. And to help them get back on the track and keep on walking. Thank the Lord, it ain’t over ‘til it’s over.

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